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Little Miss Momma: Favorite"Home" Themed Projects and Tutorials

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Favorite"Home" Themed Projects and Tutorials

Favorite "Home" Themed Projects and Tutorials

It's been decided.
Operation "Revamp the LMM Residence" is in full swing. This means there will be lots and lots of sanding, painting, hanging, rearranging, organizing and very little 'buying' going on around these parts over the next few weeks.

I am determined to make this a DIY home revamp instead of an AMEX home revamp.

And with that in mind, I needed to find a little home decorating inspiration from my peeps out in the blogosphere.  Here are a few of my favorite projects right now:

by Funky Junk Interiors

So clever. So cute. So original. So timeless. Sooo loving this project!

by Honey and Maple Syrup
{Pottery barn version}

 I love how she put her own spin on this project. And it turned out so cute with the SEA letters.

by Billie Monster

I have three lamps just sitting in my garage screaming for a can of spray paint.
I am loving the bold color choice on this rad lamp.

by Organize and Decorate Everything

Leanne is one of the most clever and creative blogger chicas I know--and I am in love with her Family Letters Wall {and yes, she has a VERY large (and beautiful) family, lol}!

by Starview Sonnet

As you know, this side table just so happens to be my absolute favorite color. 
Click on the link to check out the before picture!
This is a truly fab revamp {for super cheap}.

by Keep Home Simple

Ok, so this recipe has nothing to do with home decor--but it's late and I'm getting hungry...and these are just so stinkin pretty and yummy looking! I can't even wait for a special occasion to make these--I am totally whipping them up this week.

by Elizabeth & Co.

From Drab...


Love the transformation! It's amazing what a little bit of paint and hardware can do for a piece of furniture, right?!

by Domestically Speaking

We could be saved a lot of heart ache and ruined clothes in our home if we only had this reminder hanging in our laundry room area.  I can't tell you how many times the hubby has left his chapstick in his pocket and ruined the entire load--but I'm not bitter, lol.

by A Little Lovely

Topiaries are such a classic decor piece.  And I especially love this version.  Visit the link above for a step by step tutorial on creating your own.

Well that was fun!

Happy Crafting, Decorating, Cleaning,
Organizing, Whatevering



At August 23, 2010 at 7:27 AM , Anonymous Leanne said...

Hi Ashley, Thanks for mentioning my Family Letter Wall. I love Donna's wooden crate stairs too. There's so many great ideas I have filed away, I wonder if I'll ever get to them. With the kids starting school now, I'm a little more hopeful. Have a beautiful day!

At August 23, 2010 at 7:54 AM , Blogger Maryann @ Domestically-Speaking said...

Thanks for featuring my laundry sign Ashley!

At August 23, 2010 at 8:57 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

great inspiration! my fave is the family letter wall.. pretty unique! thanks for sharing! :)

At August 23, 2010 at 9:55 AM , Anonymous Billie Monster said...

Omigosh, thanks so much for adding my 'lil lamp revamp to your post! Those topiaries are so cute! Might have to make one. And those!

At August 23, 2010 at 10:31 AM , Blogger Mandy said...

LOVE the yellow lamp! Great idea.


At August 23, 2010 at 3:18 PM , Blogger Ali @ Honey and Maple Syrup said...

Thanks so much for featuring my PB knockoff!! =)

At August 23, 2010 at 7:39 PM , Blogger Tiffany said...

Great inspiration photos!

At March 17, 2011 at 10:09 PM , Anonymous Amber said...

ooh great inspiration! thanks!! p.s. those are two different hutches. i was like "wha!" that is NOT the same hutch, so i clicked on the link and that after shot was her "inspiration" picture. haha sorrry just had to tell you! Hehe :)

At February 8, 2025 at 3:56 AM , Anonymous Kenneth B said...

I'm inspired to start some DIY home projects.


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