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Little Miss Momma: July 2010

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Inevitable Yucky Moments

There are certain yucky experiences in life that every new momma will be forced to endure throughout her first go around.

First shot. {check}
First fever. {check}
First cough. {check}
First tantrum. {double check}
First sandy poo diaper. {check}
First bug eating.{yes, check}
The list goes on.

Well today, this momma experienced her first spill with Baby W.
And not the kind of spill where his bottle empties onto my freshly cleaned kitchen floor. 

No, I'm talking about the kinda spill where your precious little baby falls flat on his face, cuts open his adorable little lip, hyperventilates from crying so hard and nearly breaks your momma heart into a million little pieces.

Today I was able to check this ultra yucky experience off of that icky list of 'inevitable experiences'.

I always knew this day would arrive, and honestly, at the rate {and speed} my babe crawls, I am surprised such an incident hasn't occurred sooner.  But I was even more surprised by my reaction.

Not even one second after he took his spill, Baby W was already scooped up into my arms as I attempted to calmly assess the damage.

I knew he was in real pain because he was doing his "silent cry". 
The cry where his face looks like he's crying, but no sound is coming out.  The one where his face begins to turn purple and I have to blow on his mouth to remind him to breath.

You know the cry I'm talking about.

Well, I handled the crying just fine.

It wasn't until I saw the blood that I fell apart.

I became completely overwhelmed and fell into one of those black hole momma moments where you feel utterly helpless.  And that feeling of helplessness only magnified the catastrophe at hand.

And, YES, to a new momma, this experience was deemed a catastrophe

Note the extra puffy top lip, the tear tracks on his cheeks and blood on his nose and eye lid.
I'm not sure who was more emotional,
Baby W or his Momma. 

Still dazed and confused.

Lucky for Mommy, Daddy was home and able to put on a brave face for Baby W while Momma got it together in the other room.

So here's to hoping this momma handles the future icky items on the list with a bit more courage--and without getting those black spots in her eyes and losing her balance.

Keep your fingers crossed for me.
On a happy note,
I just added a NEW section to the LMM Etsy Shop...


Here is a sneak peak at what you'll find:

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Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Floating Around in My Mind

Soooo, I have all these thoughts for posts lately--but none are substantial enough to stand on their own.  Which is why I have decided to post this smorgasbord of the things floating around in my mind as of late.

Here goes:

Something magical is happening in the state of California right now.
Something so glorious that my taste buds have been dancing a little jig ever since they heard the good news.
Two words: Cafe Rio
Two more words: Pork Salad
That's right folks--Cafe Rio has entered the great state of California--and we couldn't be happier!

Pet Peeve: Something that really irks me--is when I am putting on mascara {which I already don't enjoy doing} and I miss putting the wand in the holster and I get mascara all over my finger and the side of the container. Arggg.

Something new in the world of Baby W--My little snaggle tooth has learned how to flirt.  That's right ladies, here he is flashing you his toothy come hither look.

So I took a trip to the fabulous Dollar Tree to stock up on some necessities. Couldn't help but notice this little impulse buy at the register--Just what I want, diet pills from the Dollar Tree.  I'm sure they're FDA approved--anyone want me to pick them up a box?

{Jess these are almost as good as your spider encased lollipops}

Funny quick story: my dear friend was driving around lost and called up her 15 year old daughter for directions.  She sent her to the computer to google maps and had her read the directions out loud.  Her daughter told her she needed to make a left turn on Smokey Doctor {instead of Smokey Dr.}--true story!

Here's our latest family picture from our front stoop:
Poppa Bear, Momma Bear and Baby Bear

Have I mentioned that I started the Insanity work out program?
Well, I have--and it's exactly as it's advertised--INSANE! Disregarding the fact that I feel like I am on the brink of death throughout the entire work out, I would highly recommend this program--muscles I never knew existed have come out to say hi!  This work out reminds me that
I am alive--and that's a good feeling!

So I posted this picture in my "grateful post" and I just felt compelled to post it again. This picture touched me to the very core--and I can't get it out of my mind.  This picture is my reminder to cherish EVERY moment I am able to spend with my Baby W--especially during those moments when I want nothing more than to be alone--during those moments, I remember this picture--and then I don't want to be away from those I love any more.

Did I ever tell you that we dropped Baby W's special 1st Birthday cake on the ground?

And then we fed it to him anyway,
because that's what a Mother of the Year {such as myself} would do.

Hmmm, I guess that's all that's on my mind...

Thanks for letting me purge.

Until next time, "Keep Calm and Carry On",
and while your at it,
enter to WIN this fab sign:

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Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Barn Owl Primitives GIVEAWAY {with a bonus twist}

Can I get a WHOOP WHOOP?!

 Because today I am super excited to announce our latest GIVEAWAY from Barn Owl Primitives!

And y'all remember how much I LOVE my very own BOP sign

Well, this week you have a chance to WIN a piece of the Barn Owl Primitive awesomeness for yourself.

One lucky WINNER will get this insanely cute
'Keep Calm and Carry On' sign:

I'll give you a quick moment to wipe off the drool.

Read all the details {dimensions, history, etc} about this crazy awesome sign by clicking here.

I promise you will LOVE your sign so so much, that you will feel overwhelmed to do this:

{And we won't judge you if you decide to kiss your new beloved sign--because we totally get it!}

Now here's the exciting TWIST...

If more than 75 people enter this giveaway BOP will generously give away ANOTHER sign! 

So tweet, facebook, blog, text, email--whatev! Do what you gotta do to spread the word and increase your chances of winning!

Because how can you pass up this:

and this:

and this:

{Think family motto's, inside jokes, favorite places, etc}

So here's a big smoochy thank you to Barn Owl Primitives for sharing your talent and sponsoring this fab giveaway! 

Ready to WIN
You can enter up to 9 times for this giveaway:

1. MANDATORY! Head over to the Barn Owl Primitives shop and let me know which items are your favorite! Be sure to list the name of the item so I know you stopped by their shop.
Sample comment: My favorite is the Family Rules sign
2. Become a public blog follower of Little Miss Momma
Sample comment: I am a blog follower of LMM
3. Become a facebook fan of LMM
Sample comment: I am a facebook fan of LMM under the name Jane Doe
4. Become a facebook fan of Barn Owl Primitives
Sample comment: I follow BOP under the name Jane Doe
5. Sign up for the BOP Newsletter
Sample comment: I signed up for the newsletter under the name Jane Doe
6. Blog about this giveaway. (leave a link)
Sample comment: I blogged about this giveaway at
7. Link to this giveaway on Facebook (leave a link)
Sample comment: I facebooked a link to this giveaway at this link: http://janedoefacebook
8. Add the Little Miss Momma Button to your blog.
Sample comment: I added the LMM button to my blog at

BONUS ENTRY: Click on the Top Mommy Blogs Button on the right column of this blog and Vote for Little Miss Momma
Sample comment: I voted for LMM as a top mommy blog
*Please leave a separate comment for each thing you do.*

Don't forget to leave your email so I can contact you!!

Good Luck!

Contest will end Wednesday August 4th at 11:59 pm (MST)
Winner will be announced Thursday August 5th, 2010


Monday, July 26, 2010

Jumping on the Etsy Bandwagon

Little Miss Momma heads to Etsy

I recently decided to take my love affair with Etsy a step further...

 And I'm excited to announce that I just launched a
full of super neato accessories that make me smile.

Here's the only problem with filling a shop full of goodies I love...
I want to KEEP everything for myself!

Here's a quick peak at what you'll find in my shop:

Oooo, how I hope you like love what you see!

Visit the Little Miss Momma shop to see more yummy accessories!

Here's to my new Etsy adventure,
a toast, if you will:


And a special shout out to the lovely and talented Dumplin Design Studios for putting together my Etsy banner and avatar!

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Doily Banner TUTORIAL

Paper Doily Banner TUTORIAL

So I have seen a few of these doily banners out there in the blogoshere and the world of Etsy--and I knew I had to try one out for myself.

And, I also think my button obsession is expanding into the doily arena--which means you can expect a few more doily tutorials out of me in the future.

Now honestly, this is perhaps the easiest craft project you'll ever embark on--not to mention, its perfect for party decor {baby shower, bridal shower, luncheon, Easter, etc.}. 

You can even spray paint your doilies any color you want.  Last Halloween I made one of these banners and spray painted all the doily's black--very Gothic chic, lol!  

Or you can add cut-out letters to your doilies to spell out something like "Happy Birthday".  The possibilities are endless!

Shall we get started?
Here's what you'll need.

Paper doilies {from the Dollar Tree}
Ribbon in the color of your choice {at least 3/4 inch wide}
Glue gun and hot glue

Determine how long you want your banner to be and select how many doilies you want to use.  I used six--I wanted to use 7, but my ribbon was too short.  I suggest using an odd number of doilies. Now fold all your doilies in half.

You will glue down your first doily about 18 inches in from the end of the ribbon {leave at least 18 inches on both ends for hanging your banner}.  Lay your ribbon flat and apply a row of hot glue to the bottom half of the ribbon in the length of your first doily.  Now set your doily on top of the hot glue and press firmly in place.   

**Important**: When you set your doily on the glue, be sure that you set it down exactly halfway through the ribbon {see picture below}.   

Now follow the same steps with the remaining doilies.  For this banner, I placed my doilies about 5 inches apart.  Next time I want to try to place them touching each other {I think that will look cuter}. 

Once you have glued down the first side of all your doilies, you are ready to move on.  Lay your banner flat on your work space.  Start with the first doily again, but this time apply hot glue to the top half of the ribbon. 

And then fold the top half of the ribbon over the doily and press firmly into place.

Continue this step until the ribbon is glued down along the length of the banner.

I left the end ribbon pieces unglued so that they would be cuter and easy to tie when hanging {see picture below}.

And in just 15 short minutes, you have your very own paper doily banner to hang for your next party or holiday!

I will be linking this doily banner to

Happy Crafting!

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