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Little Miss Momma: November 2010

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Roller Coaster

This evening I had about 15 minuted of down time in my crazy busy day.
The hubby was working late and Baby W was hinting for some cuddle time.

And since cuddle time is my favorite part of every day,
I curled up on the couch to take advantage.

We snuggled as I flipped through the channels.
I saw that one of my all-time favorite movies was on TV,
Parenthood {with Steve Martin}.

I hadn't seen the movie since becoming a parent myself.

Let's just say, I wasn't prepared for the overwhelming emotion I would feel through every single scene of the movie. 

It was like the writers had some how taken every emotion, every fear, every heartbreak, every milestone, every awe-ha moment a parent could ever possibly conceive and they wrapped it up ever-so-perfectly into 120 minutes of laughter and tears.

At one point I looked at Baby W, my eyes filled with tears,
and I felt...

Well, I don't really know the word for what I felt,
so I guess you could say "I had one of those moments".

And in that moment, I took a mental picture,
and placed it in the most cherished section of my memory bank.

{by the crazy old grandma}
"You know, when I was nineteen, Grandpa took me on a roller coaster.
Up, down, up, down.
Oh, what a ride!
I always wanted to go again.
You know, it was just so interesting to me that a ride could make me so frightened, so scared, so sick, so excited, and so thrilled all together!
Some didn't like it.
They went on the merry-go-round.
That just goes around.
I like the roller coaster.
You get more out of it."
-Grandma from PARENTHOOD (The Movie)

Life is like a theme park ride.
Will you chose the roller coaster
or the merry-go-round?
Stay tuned tomorrow for a chic giveaway!
I'll give you a hint:

And then, more SECRETS will be revealed on Thursday!

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Secrets That Will Make You Smile, instead of cry {on Secret Week}

 SARAH'S "make you smile" secrets

I like to watch my LCD Widescreen TV on "Stretch" so all the skinny girls look a little fatter.
I use about a bottle a month of "dry shampoo".

I bite off my tastebuds and they bleed and makes my whole tongue to try and make it better, I bite off more...etc etc etc

I have a shag rug in my livingroom purely because in a pinch, when people are coming, instead of vacuuming, I can brush my feet all over it and the sand/crumbs/fluff/pethair sink to the bottom of the "abyss".

I cry at Oprah's favorite things episodes like I do at the Notebook.
Blubbering mess. I'm just so dang happy for that audience.

Sometimes, I blame farts on my baby.

I'm sure there's TONS more...but those are the ones off the top of my head :)


Let's show Sarah some comment love, shall we.

I will be posting several secrets daily throughout this entire week. So be sure to check back often, you're not going to want to miss these.

You can grab your very own Secret Series Button on the right sidebar:
Simply copy the code, then got to "add a gadget" in your blogger dashboard, then add "html", then paste the code, then click "save" {thats it}!

 On Friday, we will conclude this portion of the Secret Series with a link up party--where I will encourage YOU to link up a post with your secret {no matter how big or small--serious or silly}.

Do you have a secret you want to email me?
Send it to
And please let me know your "alias" or if I can use your real name.


Monday, November 29, 2010

A Future Momma's Plea: Secrets #5 Revealed {on Secret Week}

I know my "secret" isn't much of a secret,
everyone in my life knows how badly I want a baby,
but I don't think anybody really understands or realizes just how hard it's been for me to cope with each and every new pregnancy happening around me...

I don't think anybody realizes just how incredibly insane I have become.

I love reading your blog,
and I love reading the blogs of other momma's out there.
It's almost like I live vicariously through other Momma bloggers--it's easier to be excited for strangers. I am genuinely happy for every single one of my friends that gets pregnant, but at the same time, I also can't stand it.

It all started when I found out I was pregnant in May 2007.
It would be our first {and only} pregnancy
and I was beside myself with pure happiness.

My hubby and I had just bought our house,
our lives were in order,
the timing was right,
we were totally ready for this baby...

I spent every night putting together a baby registry and day dreaming of names... this baby in my tummy was everything to me.

Almost immediately after finding out I was pregnant,
I started having cramping, and bleeding,
and found out my hormones weren't going up like they should...

I was likely going to loose my baby.
Despite all of this, I decided to take the long trip to visit my grandpa.
He was getting sicker with ALS), and each day could be his last.

While visiting my Grandpa in Oklahoma,
I ended up going through a full miscarriage.

I felt like it was my own fault, for going on that trip.
Maybe, if I would have stayed home, where I belonged, I might have been able to keep my baby.

For the next few weeks I moped around, and started planning when we would go ahead and try conceiving again...

Then, I got a phone call from my sister in law,
to tell me she was pregnant... and had gotten pregnant on her honeymoon.

Then, three of my best friends all announced they were also pregnant...
My soul was crushed.

I feigned happiness for them,
and then spent an hour on the floor in the shower crying and asking God, what I did to deserve this.

I promised I would never do anything to anyone ever again, I would be a good mom, and a good wife if he would only let me join my friends and have a baby. But no baby came.

And so the pattern continues,
every time someone new gets pregnant.
And then I try to find something about everyone that deems them less suitable then myself, to be a mother.

Which is so difficult when they are genuinely good women who will make awesome Mommas...

Three and a half years later, I'm still going through the same thing.
I can't move on.

When I found out my last single brother in law was getting married, I told my husband that he "better hurry up and get me pregnant, before I end up with another pregnant sister in law, at which point, I just may just shoot myself!"

He didn't think it was funny, but then honestly, I didn't really either. But sometimes, I feel like I just might want to.... even if could never actually do that to myself.

When people tell me to adopt, or to just keep trying, I want to choke them. Yes, I want to adopt, because I know that out there somewhere, a child wants a momma just as much as I want them, but I also can't accept the fact that despite fertility treatments, I may never be able to have my own babies.

I honestly want to strangle people when they talk about "finally getting pregnant" after having tried for 3 or 4 months, and how I should keep my head up, my time will come. But what they forget is that its been six years--and still no baby.

I have a wish list of all the baby stuff I want when I finally get to have a child and I've written letters to my future babies telling them how much I can't wait for them to get here, and how much their future Daddy and I already love them...

Which sounds completely insane saying out loud...
but there you have it.

I don't expect anybody to feel sorry for me, but I do hope, that if someone out there is going through this (or has been through it) they will know that they're not alone.

Let's show April some comment love, shall we.

I will be posting several secrets daily throughout this entire week. So be sure to check back often, you're not going to want to miss these.

You can grab your very own Secret Series Button on the right sidebar:
Simply copy the code, then got to "add a gadget" in your blogger dashboard, then add "html", then paste the code, then click "save" {thats it}!

 On Friday, we will conclude this portion of the Secret Series with a link up party--where I will encourage YOU to link up a post with your secret {no matter how big or small--serious or silly}.

Do you have a secret you want to email me?
Send it to
And please let me know your "alias" or if I can use your real name.


A Daughter's Confession: Secret #4 {on Secret Week}

Elle is oh-so-brave for sharing her deepest, darkest thoughts with us...

Here is Elle's secret.

It makes me feel like an evil person:

I sort of look forward to life without my mom.
Yes, that's right: like when she is dead.
Oh, that is so horrible.

I do love my mom, and I don't wish her dead.

It's just that she is a constant source of stress in my life.
My relationship with my husband has suffered and continues to suffer an enormous strain because of her.

I have to tell my kids that what Grandma said or did was inappropriate after we spend time with her. I look forward to the weight being off my shoulders.

I realize that I will probably have to seek counseling to come to terms with those emotions,
 if I really do feel relief from her death.

Let's show Elle some comment love, shall we.

I will be posting several secrets daily throughout this entire week. So be sure to check back often, you're not going to want to miss these.

You can grab your very own Secret Series Button on the right sidebar---->
Simply copy the code, then got to "add a gadget" in your blogger dashboard, then add "html", then paste the code, then click "save" {thats it}!

 On Friday, we will conclude this portion of the Secret Series with a link up party--where I will encourage YOU to link up a post with your secret {no matter how big or small--serious or silly}.

Do you have a secret you want to email me?
Send it to
And please let me know your "alias" or if I can use your real name.


A Tired Momma's Secret Revealed {on Secret Week}

SECRET WEEK: secret #3
{need to get caught up, click here}

This Momma's secret is intense--and it touched me to the very core. Here it is:

Dear LMM readers,

My secret is horrible.
And I want you to know that I've told no one else except my husband,
not even my Mum because I'm affraid of how she will look at me after.

Uh, it's hard to write.
Basically my Husband has been away for 9 months training to be a police officer. He's just finished and started work near home today so I'm hoping things get better. While he was away I started out okay...

keeping the house clean,

keeping up with the washing,

going to work and taking kids to childcare

and basically keeping my kids entertained and happy.

But then, the longer he was away, the worse I got.
Several things slipped, the washing was just an enormous mountain. Going to the supermarket seemed like an insurmountatble task. I forgot to put out the bins for collection--a few weeks in a row....

Worse still, my relationship with my eldest son became unbearable.
He's only 3 and as 3 yr olds do, he started pushing the boundaries to see what he could get away with while daddy was gone. 

He stopped listening to me.
He ignored anything I asked him to do.
He yelled, he screamed.
I would have to ask him 10 times to get him to pick up his toys.
He drew on the brand new hardwood floor I had laid for his dad's birthday.

My nerves were shot.
I had lost control of my son.

And there was no one to pick up the slack.
Every morning I would get up and it would start all over again.

At the same time I was losing control of myself.
I became soooo quick to anger.
Not just anger, real rage.

And while I was almost screaming at my 3 yr old, (oh that's painful to write)
I was thinking "Stop!! He's just a child, he doesn't know!"
Eventually for the last month I could barely look at him with any real affection. How disgusting is that?!

It's getting better now that my husbands home home.
But what I worry about now is have I mentally/emotionally scared him?!
Have I somehow stunted him by the way I've treated him?

Oh god what sort of mother could do that to their child? Me. I'm that sort of Mother (oh my gosh, thats like being stabbed)

I never ever imagined being a Mother could push me to become such a monster. And I have no real exuse. I only hope my poor little boy can forgive me.

He still likes to hold my hand and cuddle on the couch with me.
He still tells me that I'm his best friend (and it makes me feel even more guilty). And he still runs to me when I pick him up from day care yelling 'Mummy! I missed you!'. 

He's such a beautiful soul and I am so blessed that he is mine.

So there it is in black and white. I don't know what you will think when you read this. I'm so ashamed. I don't think that when you asked for secrets you were really after something like this! So I'm sorry to dump this in your inbox and please don't feel that you need to reply.

It does feel better having someone else know...
I guess...


Let's show Kate some comment love, shall we

I will be posting several secrets daily throughout this entire week. So be sure to check back often, you're not going to want to miss these.

You can grab your very own Secret Series Button on the right sidebar---->
Simply copy the code, then got to "add a gadget" in your blogger dashboard, then add "html", then paste the code, then click "save" {thats it}!

 On Friday, we will conclude this portion of the Secret Series with a link up party--where I will encourage YOU to link up a post with your secret {no matter how big or small--serious or silly}.

Do you have a secret you want to email me?
Send it to
And please let me know your "alias" or if I can use your real name.


Sunday, November 28, 2010

SECRET SERIES WEEK {your secrets revealed}

Overwhelmed doesn't even begin to describe how I felt as your secrets began pouring into my inbox.

I was touched.





But most of all, I was in AWE.

In awe at the courage each of you showed, to come forward, to open up, to remind the rest of us that WE ARE NOT ALONE!

And so begins our SECRET SERIES.

And now I present to you our very first
{please show your support in the comments section}

Jolene's Secret:
I feel incredible guilt over my dad's death in July.
He had knee surgery the day before and I picked him up from the hospital and took him home.
I thought of visiting the next day,
but then I decided it was too much of a PITA (they lived 35 minutes from me)
and I decided to skip a day.
He died of a heart attack the day I decided not to visit.
My mom was totally useless and stood there calling me instead of calling 911.
He was gone by the time the paramedics arrived.
I know CPR and think I may have been able to save my dad's life.
I will never get over this.
I carry this guilt daily,
and think it is my fault that he is gone.
- Jolene

Cailey's Secret:
In high school, I was a cutter.
I would cut myself.
Because I am so ashamed to let people see my scarred arms,
I haven't been able to wear short sleeves in six years.
Not even during the summer.
I wonder on a regular basis how this will affect my future.
What will the people I care about think when they find out?
Will anyone ever be able to fall in love with me?
How would they ever introduce me to their family without feeling ashamed?
Will I be able to walk down the aisle on my wedding day and feel beautiful...?
What will my future children think of their Momma?
Will I always be ashamed?

I will be posting several secrets daily throughout this entire week. So be sure to check back often, you're not going to want to miss these.

You can grab your very own Secret Series Button on the right sidebar---->
Simply copy the code, then got to "add a gadget" in your blogger dashboard, then add "html", then paste the code, then click "save" {thats it}!

 On Friday, we will conclude this portion of the Secret Series with a link up party--where I will encourage YOU to link up a post with your secret {no matter how big or small--serious or silly}.

Do you have a secret you want to email me?
Send it to
And please let me know your "alias" or if I can use your real name.


Thursday, November 25, 2010

BLACK FRIDAY Dealz {in the LMM Etsy Shop}

go shopping with Little Miss Momma!

{perfect gifts for coworkers, neices, friends, daughters, teachers, mommas, wifes, and anyone awesome}


FREE pair of EARRINGS with any order over $20!

BUY 3 Rings get ONE FREE!
{I will reimburse you the cost of the least expenvie ring}

use promo code: BLACK FRIDAY

**visit the LMM shop here**

What will you buy?


Happy Shopping!
And thank you for all of your support!


Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Heel Skin and an Eye Ball {true story}

Today I received a looooong overdo pedicure.

As in 5 months overdo.

It had pretty much gotten to the point that it was either get a pedicure,
or else move up a shoe size to make room for my new claws

{because I don't usually take the time to clip my own nails--sadI know}.

And everything was glorious as usual about the whole pedicure foot bath experience...

That is until the guy giving me my pedi started to use that giant chain saw looking machine to scrape the 3 pounds of dead skin off my heels...

and a large chunk of heel skin flew from my foot directly into his eye.

and he nearly vomited with disgust as he ran to the sink to rinse out his eye ball.

and I was mortified,

especially since I spent the rest of the pedicure staring at his blood shot and swollen eye ball.

But at least I left 3 pounds lighter.

true story.


Baby W asked if you could send someone over here to change his diaper.
His Momma is slackin.


Monday, November 22, 2010

Meet Cozette Couture {and see me try to take pictures of myself}

I can see you, hehe.

{and yes, I have freckles}

I know I have been giving you little teeny sneak peaks,
but please allow me to officially introduce you to our new {and totally chic} sponsor: the one, the only, Cozette Couture

When I was asked to review a lovely product from Cozette Couture
my first thought was,
"OH NO, teenage Baby W will totally resent me if I make him model a CC headband"
{even though he could totally pull it off}

And since I don't have a ruffly and smooshy girly girl of my own,
I was left with one option.
I would just have to get one of these beautiful headbands for myself.
Oh well.

Now here's the thing about me.
I'm not much of a fashion risk taker.
I appreciate extravagant designs and bold accessories,
but I never quite feel like I am pulling it off {does that make sense?}.

So, as of late, I have made a new personal goal.
Be a bit braver with my fashion.

Switch it up,
wear color,
layer up,
step out of my comfort zone.

In other words, be like these CC babes:

So here I am,
being a brave fashionista
while attempting to photograph myself through a mirror.

with my far off dreamy look...

and now, for my smoldering gaze...

and then cracking myself up because of how goofy I looked while trying to give my "sexy eyes" look.

And this is my "whatcha talkin bout Willis" face--well, sort of.

But seriously, how fun is this headband?!
I know I had fun--and I even felt a bit...dare I say it--trendy!

This is next on my list from the Cozette Couture shop:

No, not her six pack {although I would like that too}--the belt.
It can be a belt, a sash OR a headwrap!

And I love how unique these are too
{not to mention those babies are calling to me}

And did I mention that the Cozette Couture designer, Suzette
is super trendy and sweet and beautiful to the MAX?
Cuz she is!

Want more?

Head over to her SHOP for amazing accessories for the kiddos and YOU {perfect for your holiday photos}

And visit her BLOG for the latest CC news and specials.
tell her I say whats up, yo.

And "like" her on facebook {I do}.

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Sunday, November 21, 2010

I want to know your secret

I Want to Know YOUR Secret
{see end of post for details}
{and I reveal another "mini" secret}

When I started this blog, it was for one reason more than any other.

To find out if I was the only one...

The only one with feelings that this whole parenting business was a bit more than I had signed up for.

The only one so overwhelmed with love for my new little baby, that it drove me to tears many nights.

The only one who questioned every parenting decision I made since the day he was born.

The only one who gagged at every poopy diaper.

The only one who worried that I was never doing enough.

And although the hubby and I had just added to our family, I felt alone.

Not depressed, just alone.

Like I was the only one who thought this was hard.

The only one who got tired.

The only one who didn't think motherhood was all rainbows and butterflies.

And thus, LMM {life lessons of a momma-in-training} was born.

I started writing.

Writing about life as a new momma--the ups, the downs, the tantrums, the cuddle sessions, the first giggles, the new baby smell, the late night feedings, the doctor's visits and everything in between.

And the more I wrote, the more Momma's I found who were just like me.

Who felt the same as I did.

Who loved their little kiddos more than life itself.

Who would jump in front of a moving vehicle for their babes.

But who also knew Momma-Hood was nothing to be sugarcoated.

You sent me emails, you left comments, you reached out to me...

You made sure I knew I wasn't alone.

And so, thanks to your support, I got a bit braver,

And I took a risk.

I wrote a post about more than mommy hood.

I wrote a post about ME.

A post sharing my deepest, darkest Secret.

And then I crossed my fingers.

Had I scared you? Would you be freaked out? Would you go running in search of a fluffier blog?

But I never should have underestimated you, my dear readers.

Because you didn't run. Instead, you told me I wasn't alone.

You reminded me that we all have secrets.

We all have a past, a condition, an ailment--something we don't want others to use to define us.

And we ALL find comfort when we learn that we're not alone.

And it's that feeling of comfort that has inspired a new "series" I would love to start on LMM.


Introducing the I HAVE A SECRET SERIES

A series of posts where we learn about your secrets,

where we tell you that you're not alone,

where we comfort you and perhaps even provide you with the courage to overcome your secret,

OR the strength to endure your secret,

OR we just become educated about your secret.

Anonymous or with a name attached, you decide how you want your secret to be posted.

Trust me, there are others out there who will be touched, who will be strenghtened by your courage in coming forward.

If you feel so inspired, email me your SECRET, your STRUGGLES at:

I want to know your story.
And, if you haven't read it yet, here's my secret.

And for those of you who are thinking,
"pshh, her secrets not that big of a deal. I mean look at all that hair she has"

Well here's the truth:

I have hair extensions to help hide my secret.

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